What are the different types of investment?
Choose from a big range of funds, shares and Ready-made Portfolios
ETFs can be high risk and complex and may not be suitable for retail investors, so you should make sure you understand all the risks involved before investing.
The value of your investments and the income from them may go down as well as up, and you could get back less than you invested.
You can now trade US shares online for free
Gain access to funds from different sectors and regions around the world
Find, learn about and invest in a wide range of shares
Exchange-traded funds
Access ETFs together with detailed information on individual funds
Investment trusts
Find investment trusts from across different sectors and geographies
Investing made easy
Ready-made Portfolios
Choose an off-the-shelf portfolio for a low-cost way to simplify your investing.
Wide range of investments
Choose from shares, funds, ETFs and investment trusts
ETFs can be high risk and complex and may not be suitable for retail investors, so you should make sure you understand all the risks involved before investing.