Income drawdown explained
A flexible option for taking income from your pension
The value of a pension can go down as well as up – and you could get less than the amount that's been put in.
You should consider charges, investment choices and any valuable benefits that could be lost before combining any pensions.
Income drawdown (or flexi-access drawdown) lets you take a flexible income from your SIPP or other pension during retirement. You choose how much income to take, how often to take it and where your pension is invested – but this also means your income isn't guaranteed and your pension could fall in value. Not all pensions offer income drawdown – you need one like our Best SIPP.

The Best SIPP
Discover the many benefits of our cost-effective personal pension – The Best SIPP
Income drawdown charges with the Best SIPP
Retirement lasts a long time, and charges can make a dent in your pension over several decades. That’s why we keep our income drawdown fees low and simple.
Learn more about income drawdown
What is income drawdown?
Income drawdown rules and benefits explained
Income drawdown death benefits
What happens to your pension if you die in income drawdown?
Income drawdown charges with the Best SIPP
Retirement lasts a long time, and charges can make a dent in your pension over several decades. That’s why we keep our income drawdown fees low and simple.
More pension options at retirement
A guaranteed income from your pension in retirement
Lump sum withdrawals
Taking lump sums and your 25% tax-free cash from your pension
Staying invested
Leaving your pension invested when you reach retirement
Speak to an expert about income drawdown
Got questions about income drawdown and what to do with your pension? Speak to our experts today:
The decision to access your pension is an important one and will affect your income and possibly your standard of living for years to come. Therefore we recommend that before any decision is made you receive regulated financial advice or get free guidance from MoneyHelper.
SIPPs are not suitable for everyone. If you don’t want to invest across different asset classes or don’t think you will make use of the investment choices that SIPPs give you then a SIPP might not be right for you. Please contact us for guidance or advice if you are unsure whether a SIPP is right for you.