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The Evelyn Partners Investment Podcast: clouds gather over the global economy

In August’s episode of the Evelyn Partners Investment Podcast Cherry Reynard chats to Ben Seager-Scott, Head of Multi-asset Funds, about the recent interest-rate rises, persistent inflation and some grim economic news. Ben and Cherry also discuss how the energy crisis might affect Europe in the months ahead.

Published on 10 Aug 20221 minute read

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Episode overview

  • Ben and Cherry discuss this month’s rate rises, which came in spite of increasingly weak economic data
  • Cherry asks what an inevitable and prolonged recession could mean for the UK’s corporate sector
  • Ben discusses what prompted the improved market sentiment
  • Cherry looks to the eye of the storm: Europe and the growing energy crisis
  • Ben explains why the economic picture is not as awful as it first appeared
  • And finally, Cherry asks Ben about a potential boost for stock markets

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