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The Tilney Investment Podcast – will a rise in uncertainty persist?

This edition of the podcast features Rohan Patel, an investment adviser from Tilney’s London office, talking to Ben Seager-Scott, Head of Multi-asset Funds. Tune in as they discuss the impacts of the Omicron Covid variant announcement, UK and US central bank policy, the outlook for oil and the recent US–China summit.

Published on 01 Dec 20211 minute read

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Episode overview

01.05 Market update: a volatile week with the announcement of the new Omicron Covid variant – but what’s the impact on the markets and why are uncertainties rising?

08.55 Bank of England: the Bank's Monetary Policy Committee voted to hold off on any rises to benchmark interest rates, but when will anticipated hikes to rates happen?

12.04 Renomination of Jerome Powell as the chair of the US Federal Reserve: why markets are largely positive with a sense of continuity and direction.

14.58 With the releasing of 50 million barrels of crude oil from the Petroleum Reserve, what will the effects be on the current markets?

22.00 US-China summit: will the lack of joint statements from the summit signify the shape of things to come or will the Biden administration seek to improve the relationship?   


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