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Give your portfolio a health check: our investment MOT

Bestinvest's 4-step investment MOT encourages you to take stock of your portfolio – with plenty of expert insight every step of the way

Written by Jason Hollands

Published on 22 Mar 20229 minute read

An annual health check is a good habit for all investors to get into.  It’s easy for those who are time-poor investors to fall into an ad hoc approach, adding funds that are being tipped in the press without considering how they might fit alongside existing investments. That is likely to create an unbalanced portfolio, potentially compromising longer-term returns. 

It’s much more exciting to buy new things than review and top-up what you already have. And this is a classic trap that investors fall into: following investment trend narratives, buying the latest hot story and ending up with a real curate’s egg of yesterday’s investment ideas. 

Without more discipline and overview, investors can lose track of the objectives they are investing for, how best to get there, and whether their current savings are doing the job. 

Investors shouldn’t go the other way and meddle with their portfolio too much. Well researched choices don’t suddenly become bad ones after six months of unspectacular performance.  

But there’s nothing wrong with an annual spring clean to rebalance how your portfolio is spread across different asset classes and markets, and to review your individual holdings and potentially root out the worst performers – particularly now that fund buying and selling on most DIY platforms is free and share trading costs are low. 

Here's our four-step plan for reviewing your investment portfolio. 

Step 1: Remind yourself of your goals 

Some savers have specific objectives that they are investing towards, for instance to pay their children’s school fees or university costs, or to add to their retirement fund. Others have less specific aims but will still have something in mind like ‘to grow my savings as much as possible’, which is a goal in itself. But it’s best to set a time horizon, like ‘by 15 years’ time’, and to have an idea of the annual returns you want to make over that period. 

These criteria are both important for making decisions over risk and asset allocation, which we will come to. Such calculations will also change the closer to that horizon you get, or you might push the horizon back due to a change in circumstances. But the important thing is to have at least an estimated timeframe so you can set your investment strategy accordingly. 

Understandably some savers lack the confidence or the time to make such decisions. That’s why we’ve created our Investing for your goals advice package, in which a qualified investment adviser will recommend an asset allocation if you wish to make your own fund selections, or a suitable Ready-made Portfolio. The fully regulated advice package comes at a fixed cost of £295 (inclusive of VAT). [1]

Step 2: Give your portfolio an X-Ray 

The most important component of a long-term investment strategy is how you choose to spread your investment across different types of investments such as shares, bonds, property, commodities and cash, as well as different regions and sectors. This is known as asset allocation and even a well-planned approach will drift over time.

Based on your objectives and attitude to risk you will have made a judgment on what proportion of your portfolio you wanted to commit to higher risk assets like equities, as opposed to lower-risk ones like bonds, and to diversification assets like gold, property or unquoted companies.  

Strong currents in global markets mean these proportions are likely to morph significantly over time. During the great growth stock boom, many small investors’ portfolios became very overweight – a higher risk portfolio than intended – in not just equity funds but a certain style of equity fund: high growth, often with a big commitment to the US and tech stocks.  

Meanwhile, poorly yielding government bonds have become a less attractive ‘defensive’ option to counter-balance equities. Is your bond allocation losing you money and if so what other stable and / or diversifying assets can you look to instead? 

So, to ensure your portfolio still meets your attitude to risk:

  • Check you are happy with your latest asset percentages, and within your equity allocation that you are not overcommitted to certain regions or styles
  • Have you got too many funds? Many investors accumulate high numbers of funds because of the temptation to buy the latest success story or exciting narrative each year. There is no magic number but owning more than 20 funds and investment trusts can make it harder to keep an eye on how they are all doing. Every holding should fight for its place in your portfolio. Consider keeping a dozen funds that you really like rather than 30 you can’t keep track of 
  • Is there overlap? When you have a lot of funds there could be significant duplication which means you are holding the same sorts of investments across two or more vehicles. Overlap as well as performance can help you to decide which funds to sell 

Alternatively you could get a professional to do the work for you, as there are increasingly affordable advice options out there. We offer a
Portfolio health check, a fully regulated advice package, in which an investment adviser examines your investments and makes recommendations. It comes at a fixed one-off price of £495 (inclusive of VAT).[1] 

Step 3: Give your investment strategy a performance-related review 

Simply put: are your investments doing the job you want them to? Answering this requires analysing both the recent and long-term performance of your investments, at both a portfolio and fund level. At the top level you will have the growth (or otherwise) of your portfolio, which might have exceeded or disappointed your expectations. If the latter, do you need to consider whether you can take more risk in search of higher growth? 

Or is it down to some poor investment choices? This is where fund performance comes in and you should be ruthless in assessing this. One year’s disappointing returns don’t necessarily make a bad fund – but you might explore the reasons for it. Could it be that the overall market is down or that an investment style is temporarily out of favour, or has something else gone on like a change of fund manager?  

When assessing fund performance, it is important to look at how a fund has done compared to the market it invests in. Even the very best managers are unlikely to make gains when the overall market tumbles. The same is true on the flipside: don’t assume a fund manager has done a gone job just because the value has risen, as this may be down to strong rises in markets rather than the decisions they have made.   

Over three and five years, are your funds beating the market or lagging it? If you are just going for growth are total returns, from both capital gains and income, on track? 

Your attitude to income is an important element of strategy. Do you want high-yielding investments either to take an income from or to reinvest for higher growth? If so are those investments doing their job? Even if they are producing income, is their poor capital gains dragging down overall performance?  

Likewise, if you are taking an income from overall returns, are you taking too much and winding down your portfolio?

Step 4: Decide how you want your portfolio to look and ring the changes

After these steps you will be getting a better idea of what if anything is wrong, and how you want to rebalance your portfolio. But also the world can change significantly in a year – as for instance it has recently with the emergence of inflation that looks set to remain high for quite a while. 

Such domestic and global economic trends will favour some investments more than others and therefore determine how you want to adjust your holdings.  

Decide what sort of funds best suit the purpose you have in mind. You might conclude for instance that a passive fund does a decent job of tracking the US market or physical gold, while an investment trust might be a good format to get exposure to illiquid assets such as infrastructure projects or unquoted companies. A managed open-ended fund meanwhile might be good for targeting UK equity income. 

Then it’s the fun bit: researching and choosing a new fund or two to replace those you are selling. All the usual due diligence applies: 

  • Recent and long-term performance matters but don’t give very short-term performance too much weight
  • Drill down and make sure it does what its name suggests: underlying holdings might not always be what you expect
  • Check the fund manager’s personal record, especially if they have just come on board 
  • Check the fund is not too bloated in size. In some cases, if a fund gets too large, this might mean it can no longer be managed with the same approach that has served it well in the past
  • If it is an investment trust, don’t pay too much of a premium to the Net Asset Value – this will mean you are paying more for the shares than the actual portfolio is worth

You can also consult The Best™ Funds list*
to narrow down what can sometimes be a bewildering array of fund choice. The funds on the list are those favoured by our investment teams and the list is updated on a regular basis – whether that is because a fund has changed in some way (e.g. lost its top-performing manager), or whether a change in market conditions has dented the attractiveness of a fund’s approach.

How Bestinvest can help you

In all these assessments and calculations around  investments it can often help to clarify things by talking to someone. We offer free person-to-person coaching which can be booked easily online. This enables you to talk through investing best practice and the options on the market, so you can arm yourself with more knowledge and be confident you are reaching decisions in the right way.

Important information

This article does not constitute advice nor a recommendation relating to the acquisition or disposal of investments. No responsibility can be taken for any loss arising from action taken or refrained from on the basis of this publication.

The value of an investment, and the income from it, may go down as well as up and you may get back less than you originally invested.

Different funds carry varying levels of risk depending on the geographical region and industry sector in which they invest.  You should make yourself aware of these specific risks prior to investing.


[1] These are fully regulated financial advice packages. A Portfolio Health Check – in which an investment adviser examines your investments and makes recommendations – comes at a fixed price of £495 (inclusive of VAT). Meanwhile, the Investing for Your Goals option will recommend a suitable ready-made portfolio, or an asset allocation if the client wishes to make their own fund selections, at a fixed cost of just £295 (inclusive of VAT). Following the purchase of either of these advice packages there will be no commitment to further purchases or to an ongoing advice relationship.    

*The Best™ Funds List is a trademark of Bestinvest.

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