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Mobile app

How to download, set up and use the Bestinvest mobile app.

Frequently asked questions

The Bestinvest app works on Apple devices running iOS 13 or above, and on Android devices running 6.0 Marshmallow or above.

Please note: while you can download it on Apple iPads, it was designed and optimised for mobile devices.

You’ll find our app on both the Apple App Store and on the Google Play store. Just search ‘Bestinvest’.

Yes! It’s free to download and use.

You can do the same key things that you can do on the Bestinvest website.

  • Check how your investments are performing
  • Buy and sell shares, funds and ETFs
  • Open or transfer an account
  • Add cash or set up monthly contributions
  • Book a free investment coaching session with one of our qualified financial planners
  • Link accounts to friends or family
  • Use our smart planning tools. (We’ve launched the Retirement goal on the app and will make other goals available in the future.)

You can trade funds and shares on the app just as you can on the website. However, it’s slightly more complicated on some Android devices at the moment.

Got an iPhone?

  • Tap ‘Invest’. You’ll now be taken to our Investment search page through your default browser (e.g. Safari, Chrome)
  • Search for the investment you want to trade
  • Tap ‘Invest now’
  • You’ll be automatically redirected back to the app from our investment search page to complete the trade

Not being taken back to the app? Try holding down your finger on ‘Invest now’ and selecting ‘Open in Bestinvest’

Got an Android phone?
If you’re using popular browsers like Chrome or Edge as your default browser then follow the same steps as above.

If you have any other browser set up as your default, and you’re having trouble being redirected back to the app from investment search in your browser, make sure the browser is set to open links within the app.

The app follows the same industry and government guidance on account security as the Bestinvest website, and we regularly test and audit our systems. In addition, you can log into the Bestinvest app using the fingerprint and face biometrics that come with your device.